Need Advice?


Got yourself in a tough situation? A funny one? An awkward one? A serious one? Something about dating, or work, or family, or any damn thing else you just aren’t sure what to do about?

Well lucky for YOU, I‘m here to help! 

But first, there are a few things we should get out of the way upfront…

The first should go without saying, but just in case— I’m not a doctor. I’m not a therapist, or a lawyer, or a licensed professional of any kind. I am just a dude with a popular advice podcast who is now making himself available for direct and personalized (and TOTALLY PRIVATE) advice sessions. Many of you have DM’d me for advice since we’ve started the show, and I’d love to be able to give it to everyone who wants it— thing is, I just don’t have the time to write every single one of you back. But that’s why I’ve set this up! So I CAN give you the advice you are seeking, in an efficient one-on-one manner. 

Secondly, I can’t guarantee anything— be it a positive result or anything else for that matter. But what I CAN promise you is this— I will care about what you’re telling me, I will listen, and I will tell you what I truly think is your best course of action. AND I will never share anything you tell me with anyone. Ever. Whatever you want to tell me, it won’t end up on the show or anywhere else. Your secrets are safe with me. 

Lastly, I will not be held liable for anything I suggest you do or do not do. And if I sense you are trolling me or just not taking this seriously in one way or another, I reserve the right to end our session abruptly, keep your money, and block you from booking future appointments with me. I’m not here to waste anyone’s time— not mine OR yours!

Annnnd that’s pretty much it. So schedule your advice appointment with me NOW! I’m looking forward to it. I hope you are too!